Black Cat - But Not The Fireworks w/Ryan Hulseberg

This week I had the pleasure of sharing a coffee with Ryan Hulseberg. Ryan is a creative, designer, amateur cyclist, and all around fantastic person. Our paths crossed years ago through cycling and it’s been awesome to get to know him better over the last few years. We had a short ride to our urban coffee ride destination, chatted about the ins and outs of the cycling industry during a Pandemic and about things to come.

I’ve got about 10 years on Ryan, and really, I think it’s super uplifting to chat with him. He’s a baller in his industry, he’s excited, he’s motivated, and he’s passionate about what he does. AND you can see those qualities in EVERYTHING he touches. You definitely leave the conversation a better person because his energy is contagious.

We of course didn’t just talk about bike parts, or coffee, or the beautiful weather we had that we both over dressed for. I had to put him in the hot seat and get some answers to some really difficult questions.

Let’s talk tattoos. Are you a meaning behind every tattoo, or tattoos just for fun kind a guy?
”Hmmm. Half and half. I have the black cat just because I thought it was cool and fell in love with cats. I have peonies on my arm because that’s Emily’s favorite flower. I have a big Halloween one because Bryan and I are like Halloween nerds. The two on my ankle, I did myself and they have zero meaning. I was trying to do a sun, and it took too long, so I turned one into a cross and the other into a peace sign. I have a twins tattoo, because Bryan and I are twins. Then the PMA tattoo is just like Positive Mental Attitude.”

Growing up as a twin, what was yours and Bryans best switcharoo?
”I think the funniest one, and it was'n’t even intentional, was in college. We were at a concert and Bryan wasn’t there. There was this guy who was like crazy drunk, came up to me and was like, “dude, Bryan”. And usually I take a minute to tell people because they freak out, but he just kept going, “how’s it going man?” And then he was like, “Oh man, where’d all your tattoos go?” I was like dude, those are all fake. He looked a little stunned for a minute and then was just like, “Oh, okay, that’s cool man. Awesome. We’ll see ya’ later.”

This question was sent to me by Justin Davis. I’d like to preface this with, aside from the cup of coffee I made for Ryan, no other things of value were exchanged for his reply. Out of all of the cycling kits you’ve had a hand in designing, which one is your favorite?
”The one I like to wear the most, is probably the latest Boxcar jersey. I was also really stoked on the blue DNA kits because they turned out super cool and totally clean, and I really love clean stuff. The maroon Hodges Bend kit with the pattern that I made, I feel like that was the most elaborate design that came out exactly like I had thought it would. The green Neighborhood kits also turned out pretty cool.”

Last question is from Tyler Lindsey, what was the most unexpected gift or good thing that come from 2020?
”Damn, that’s a hard one. The best thing is that Emily now works from home. That’s really cool. So, we see each other, basically work together everyday now. Which is really cool.”

To wrap this one up, I 100% buy into the “you become the average of the five people you spend the most time with” and I’m hoping that as the COVID life settles down, I get more quality time with Hulseberg.

The coffee we enjoyed: KLLR Coffee - Single Origin Natural Africa
Origin: Ethiopia
Notes: Sweet & soft, chocolate, berry, lemon acidity.
My thoughts: When KLLR first launched the Sun Dried Ethiopian, it blew my socks off. I was one of the first coffees I could ever immediately catch the flavor notes. It’s evolved a little since then, but still fantastic, and a staple in my regular coffee rotation.

Future Coffee Ride Guests:
4/8 - Staci Patton
4/15 - Alan White (Gravel Doc)
